Tag: artandresistance
想考舎企画Free Palestine End the Occupation Vol.2
2024.12.14想考舎企画Free Palestine End the Occupation Vol.2福岡市東区 KATAOSA COFFEEにて行います Vol.1で上映した名取事務所公演 パレスチナ演劇上演シリーズ占領の囚人たち『Prisoners of the Occupation 東京版』の第二弾『I, Dareen T. in Tokyo』を上映 Guest Speakerに Takeshi Evolstak / GRIST Rebecca / the Hiroshima Palestine Vigil Community Hanai Yoshihito Azusa Suga / 写真家を迎えて行います。 なお予約人数40名とさせていただきますので気になる方はDMにて受付お待ちしておりますどうぞ宜しくお願いします
I throw a stone
I throw a stone to the world.Long time, for decades years the people have thrown stones to the strongest military, the latest military weapons as resistance. Then we have lost many innocent people. I captured the light of Jenin where I spent for long time, on a stone, and I’d like to throw a stone …